Post-traumatic growth doesn’t deny deep distress, but rather posits that adversity can unintentionally yield changes in understanding oneself, others, and the world.
Post-traumatic growth can, in fact, co-exist with post-traumatic stress disorder.
How adversity, negativity, and even our mortality can help us flourish.
Earthquakes, bankruptcies, gut-wrenching heartbreak, pandemics, fender benders ... just as no one gets out of life alive, no one escapes life unscathed by the negative events and emotions—big and small—that are part of the human experience.
Rather counterintuitive in a world that favors comfort, convenience, and sheer and utter pleasure is the idea that humans actually deteriorate without challenges and adversity placed on our bodies and minds (Lukianoff & Haidt, 2018).
The hedonic pursuit of happiness, characterized by the maximization of positive emotions and the minimization of negative ones (Peterson, 2006) is a well-worn path for most of us:
Dial the pleasure up, turn the displeasure switch off. Embracing challenges in our lives may ultimately lead to positivity. If our goal is to lead flourishing lives, an acceptance—a radical welcoming, even—of the negative side of life may help pave the way.
The joy of The Lord, which is the gladness of heart comes from knowing God, abiding in Christ, and being filled with the Holy Spirit. Let us know him in every aspect, in our decision making, actions, behaviors and communicate with him daily, he is the foundation of our life. Nothing happens without him. If you lack joy, make a determined effort to spend time in God's presence. Enter His gates with thanksgiving, consider His incredible kindness, celebrate how great and powerful God is and you will experience His joy.
Joy of life
People who seem to enjoy life in a cheerful and spirited way are often described as having joie de vivre. This phrase, which literally means "joy of living" in French, is frequently used by English speakers.